
Take 2: Leeza Gibbons

I have never been a big fan of Leeza Gibbons. I also thought she was the big Hollywood diva who looked perfect, had everything perfect, was that the reality? Come to find out it isn’t. I appreciate her candor in sharing her flaws with us.

She starts out by saying our life is like story, makes sense, doesn’t it? I liked the concept of looking at my life like a story. I am the heroine of my own story, so is everyone.

One thing she said in her book that touched a nerve in me “Surviving and even thriving through change depends on your ability to search out the good and work with what you got.” What touched me the deepest about this statement is that in my journey now with my illness I have been just surviving for the last 4 years and now I am working on thriving. Facing the difficulties that breathing with a trach and learning to move will be the next course I will be taking on my journey. I am excited about it, but I also have my fears and part of me is even resistant to the idea. Knowing me and my pertinacity to resist change I have put in my mind that I am going to do it anyway. I like that she offers her advice on this subject by saying “Use oxygen as your fuel and simply breathe in and out, telling yourself there’s no situation that is more than you can handle right now. Remind yourself that you can do it differently than you have in the past.”
I truly find inspiration in in Gibbons book. I even realize that I just have some new respect this lady. It wasn’t just a book about looking good, but a book about making your heart look good on the inside. I would go ahead and read it and be inspired.

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