
I chose to read “Cooking Your Way To Gorgeous” because of the ideas to help the hair. I come off as not caring about my hair or any other parts of my appearance, but I do. Perhaps not to the extent of Blanch from the Golden Girls, but I do care. From recipes that you can actually eat to using on your head I found some great ideas to help me with my hair issues. I have not tried them yet, but when I do I will let you know how it works.

Not only did this book have ideas for the hair, but for the skin as well. I find some great ideas for facials to try at home when I am in need of a spa night so that I can pamper myself.

Well worth the read, some fantastic ideas with recipes to eat and to use on the body including the hair you will walk away with some ideas to help pamper yourself into having luscious hair and skin. 

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