Can you believe that May will soon be upon us? I cannot believe that it has almost been one month since I got rid of my trach.

To be honest I didn’t accomplish that many of my goals. I didn’t cook from 5 recipes or post them on my blog. Sorry! I got too excited. I did get the Maranda Esmonde-White stretches videos on-line, but that does me no good since I have to go to a public place in order to watch them. But I did watch them on her website to see whether or not I want to invest some money into them. I do want to. I made my request to God and to others. And I haven’t taken the “Living Well With Chronic Illness” class yet, because I don’t start that until Tuesday. I’m looking forward to doing this class with two of my dearest friends and also people who are part of my team to better health. And no I didn’t start the plugging process on my trach, I got better. I got rid of the sucker. So I cannot complain. Even though I didn’t accomplish many of the goals I wanted to. I did accomplish some things.

  • I got rid of my trach. I am trachless right now as I am writing this. Talk about a miracle and a reason to dance. It has been one month so far and I am feeling great. I did have to have a dilation surgery. My goal is to have a dilation surgery once a year and the chemo infusion treatments of Rituxan every 6 months for maintaining my throat and breathing. I feel a great relief of pressure and not so doomed. It is hard to explain, but I am sure many of you my dear readers do understand.
  • I bought myself a pink 55MM exercise ball. I’m not doing a lot of exercise routines on it yet. What I am doing now with the ball is sit on it and do the hula in two sets of 20 on each side. Then I am standing and bending my knees as I am lifting the ball over my head. 2 sets of ten each time. Then I am sitting on it and working my ways towards lying my back on it to do the curls and such. The ball came with a chart of exercise and a DVD. I didn’t like the DVD much. It wasn’t what I expected. I wanted a more than a 1 second showing me the exercises info commercial, but hey I only paid 10 bucks for the ball, so I won’t complain too much.
  • Walking to the rec room to use the internet. I can walk to the rec room which is about a block without having to stop in the middle to rest on my way down and on my way back to my apartment. I’m excited about this. Because that means my physical stamina is improving after the surgery. Yeah!
  • I am signed up and taking the “Living Well With Chronic Illness Class” a 6 week program that is run through Standford university and that Peacehealth in Vancouver is putting on. My two friends are taking the class with me. I’m looking forward to be inspired and learning new information to help me on my own journey and perhaps helping others in the process.
  • I started reading two devotional studies. I spoke about them before on my blog. They are both 70 days long. One is Beth Moore’s Whispers of Hope: A devotional about praying. She is using the PRAISE! Method. So I am journaling my prayers. Strangely I am finding it helpful. I was a bit apprehensive about it, because I thought just talk to him and leave it there. But how can be aware of the prayers he is answering to remind myself if I am not able to keep track of them? I am loving the fact that she is straight to the heart of issues and I am finding it helpful in reducing my big fat ego and teaching me to be thankful, forgiving, and ready to reconcile.
  • The other Devotional is Devotions for a Healthier you: by Katie Farrell. I found this by browsing the Christian book store and the title in the new release section spoke to me. I like the first devotion which is on putting God first and before your goal of better health. He needs to be a big part of it. I like that. I am only on day 11. I like that it has suggestions, recipes, and even a somewhat of a food menu if you choose to follow her method. Her no bake cinnamon breakfast protein cookies sound so good. I haven’t made them yet, but when I do I will let you know. Anther recipe that looks divine that I want to make is the Thai Chicken Salad. Yum! Each morning I devote at least an hour to spending time with God before I start a big portion of my day. I read the two devotions and the scriptures from Moore and Farrell. I find it is helping me stay focus on my big goal of health. I am able to keep a positive attitude and want to be motivated. Although sometimes my motivation dwindles. I watched something awesome on TED TV Saturday that I think explains it all. You can watch it here.


Now this gets me to setting up goals for May. One of my big sisters whom I haven’t seen in a couple of years is coming up from Alabama for a two week visit. I am excited, as well as sad because it is because of our aunt’s declining health that she is coming up. To help me stay health and motivated to do my wellness goals. I am hoping to set up some goals in May that will help me stay on track.

  • Cook up to 5 recipes. I have some recipes that I have found on the internet and in a magazine called Eating Well that I want to try out and also in my new devotional. Hello Cinnamon no bake protein breakfast cookies anyone? Lol
  • Increase the exercises that I am doing on the balance ball. By doing a few of more different ones that are on the chart. Until I can do a jack knife and a push up on the ball with my feet on the ball. Baby steps!
  • Dedicate myself to drinking more water.
  • Check my blood sugars, oxygen levels, heart rate and continue to use my wellness journal.
  • See the pulmonary doctor and set up pulmonary rehab to aide me in how to breathe and move my body properly.
  • Keep building endurance and stamina in ways that are healthy for my body and keep trach of how I am feeling when I am breathing.
  • Eat more vegetables this month and find them at the farmers market.


Those are my goals for May… What are yours?

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