

I don’t usually gush over novels, but in this case I am going to. “Come to the Garden” by Jennifer Wilder Morgan came into my life just at the perfect time. It talked about possible, worship, and being open, it had all the focus words that I wanted my 2016 to be about. It talked about spiritual gifts, all of them, including dreams. And how God uses them and how you shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed of them or to share them with others. We may not understand or know why, but the fact spiritual gifts do come from God. He will help us discern them.

I don’t want to give away the story. I want you to experience the possible and joyfulness of this novel all by yourself. This book edified my soul. I know it will edify yours. Not only was the story amazing, but her writing style impressed me deeply.

Here is how my focus words came into play in this wonderful novel:

  • The word possible seemed to be jumping out at me in many different ways in all the chapters. God made clear why this one simple word needed to be one of the words I focused on this year. The other words were represented too, worship and open. Margaret, the angel, talks to Jen about possibilities and worshiping and being open to what God has to offer through the many different experiences she had throughout her life. He was there all the time, he communicated with her, he protected her. My heart was open to this knowledge for my own journey in this life.
  • This book talked about dreams. I have a lot of dreams, dreams that do end up coming to life in some form. I dream about people and things that will happen. It is hard to talk about, because of the judgments people of people who get dreams and them not being from God but from Satan. This book gave me some great insights and scriptures that told me differently. I know that I am going to have to study this further.
  • I am protected, even while I am dreaming my dreams. Sometimes it feels like I am not. I have to be open to the possibility that I am protected even if it doesn’t feel or I don’t see it.
  • I need to be more open to God and worshiping him. I need to be free to express, feel, appreciate, communicate, and feel vulnerable to Him.
  • God does send me small and tiny reminders that I am his child. He can use books, a song, my cat, people, friends, family, and even my dreams.

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