
A month ago I was given a devotional book called “Faith Without Borders” by Virginia Martin to read. Later on in another post I will be interviewing Virginia Martin to find out more about her and why she wrote “Faith Without Borders”.

This year I chose 3 focus words for the year, they were possible, worship, and open. This book was sent to me because I won a copy from Goodreads and it seemed to fit the path that I am going now. Since becoming sick and now living life as a disabled woman my life has changed. Here are five things that I have learned from reading this book:

  1. My choices matter. In the great big scheme of life, even with Jesus in my life. My choices will lead me to the right path God wants for me. When I make a bad choice I will suffer the consequences.
  2. Something that I learned in January before my surgery in February. God will do what he wants in his own timing. It won’t match my own. Patience and having faith is the key to getting through those times.
  3. You only have to have faith the size of a mustard seed. Have you ever seen how tiny a mustard seed is? It’s so small.
  4. I have hope, because all things are possible through Jesus. Hope gets me through the dark days, the painful days, the happy days, and the perplexing days of my life. Without hope, I would be a chaotic mess.
  5. Putting on the full armor of God allows you to step out in faith. To trust that Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God has your back. That you don’t have to worry about anything. Faith equals trust. For me, trust is a huge thing. That is something I am daily working on.

I hope that you will check out Virginia Martin’s book “Faith Without Borders” and learn some new things about yourself, Jesus, and the tools that we have.

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