I received a free copy of Trish Blackwells book Insecurity Detox, for my honest review. The opinions I express here are my own.




Insecurity, a dangerous thing. I know that I have fought this demon head-on and still fighting it. Insecurity Detox by Trish Blackwell is an intense workbook that will take you 30 days to work through. I’m only on day 13, but needed to write a review and post it before I even finished reading it. Here are 5 things I have learned about myself in the last 13 days:

  1. I have a lot of emotional baggage in my life. Reading Detox two hit me hard. A big chunk of my emotional baggage deals with my relationship with men and food and just having a self-care plan. What I love is the scriptures references at the end and the small steps I can take to work through them.
  2. Health and wellness is not a big obstacle to be conquered. It’s simpler than we all make it out to be. The simple thing to realize is if we regularly exercise, eat well most of the time, and not allow toxic people in our lives then we would be on our way to wellness.
  3. Don’t try to be or do what someone else is doing. We all have our own wellness goals and lives to live. It’s an individual thing. Comparing ourselves will drive us to big up our emotional baggage and not achieve a life that rocks
  4. Our limited thinking limits our possibilities. God did tell us all things are possible with Jesus who strengthens me. Right? It is so hard to actually live and believe this scripture. When we limit how we view our bodies and our thinking we hinder the miracles that can happen.
  5. Self-doubt is a killer. I am guilty of self-doubt. I know I hinder my progress with eating well and moving my body because I doubt my own abilities and what my body actually can do. So, I don’t do anything, but insult myself. That stops here and now.

As I stated up above, I have not finished reading all the way through Insecurity Detox. This book is not one to take lightly. It’s work. God centered healing work. I suggest that you get a journal to write, because you will do a lot of writing while reading this. This book is awesome and I recommend it. Especially us Chronic Babes. When I get finished in a couple of weeks. I will write up an update to share. Keep rocking ladies and gentlemen.

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