In exchange for the book “The Captains Daughter” by Jennifer Delamere I was given a free copy from Bethany House. The opinions I express are my own and were in no way influenced.

I like to get lost in a story every now and again. This time around I was lost in the story world of “The Captains Daughter” by Jennifer Delamere. I love the well-rounded characters in this story of Nate and Rosalyn. What intrigued me to choose to read this novel was the fact it was set in historical London in a theater. I’m not a reviewer who reveals the story in her review, but suffrage to say this is a story world that I didn’t feel lost in or that I wasted my time reading.

I also would like to say that I am looking forward to the next installments of the story worlds of London Beginnings by this author too. I am interested in seeing where she takes these stories and what insights and knowledge Delamere will impart to her readers. What I got from reading is that women and the poor did not have great rights back then, but there were wonderful church charities to help them. I also feel like back then the opera and theater was something spectacular to see with the gas lights and not overly technology productions that we have now.

I recommend me this book to anyone at any age. It isn’t overly graphic in the romance like some romance novels can be. I also love the tender way romance and courting was portrayed. I think we miss those things in our own time period. I enjoyed this novel.

Here is where you can purchase and information about the author:

The Captain’s Daughter

Jennifer Delamere

Bethany House

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