In exchange for my review I was given a free copy of “Almost There: Searching for Home in a Life on the Move” by Bekah DiFelice from Tynsdale Publishing. The opinions I express are my and were in no way influenced.

What do you think about when you hear the word home? For me, I think of a calm, peaceful place that has some chaos, some seriousness, and some fun. I think of my sisters, my parents, and my brother. I think about dinners around the table and chatting about goals, life events, and announcements. That is the home I had while growing up. Now my home is just me and my cat, eating dinner while I am reading a book or watching TV. It is having my neighbors, friends, and family popping over for a visit. It’s having my caregiver come by cleaning, chatting, taking me to medical appointments, and having great laughs. In DiFelice’s book Almost There: Searching for Home in a life on the Move, she writes about her own discovery about what home is and how she found her own home after leaving her home town with her husband who is in the service.

I like how authentic DiFelice is with her fears, her reservations, and how she finally found her home. It isn’t with things, home is God and all that He provides through the relationships we encounter. It is true. This is a great book for anyone who wants to be reminded of where and what are home is. I cannot imagine being uprooted and having to move a lot like the families who are in the service or who are married to someone in the service. My thanks and respect is extended to them all.

Here is where you can purchase your copy:

Almost Home



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