I am experiencing another sleepless night so I thought I would write part three of my bariatric surgery adventure. March was filled with lots of doctor appointments. I met with the doctor for the start of my surgery where I got a blood test and an EKG. My EKG didn’t look normal to the doctor there, which is normal for me. I live with trachial stenosis which causes my heart rate to be higher than normal. She still wants me to get a cardiologist’s clearance before we move towards the surgery. I got my appointment for May. This is nothing new, because I get an EKG everytime I get my dilation surgery and I had to do this once before. We spent time going over my blood work, my thyroid is high. That is something new, so I had to make an appointment with my primary doctor to talk about this. I also still have low vitamin D3 and so that needs to get higher. All in all, it went well. After this appointment I made appointments with my primary which I see this week and of course I see my diabetes doctor too. Before I left she asked me to get clearances from all my doctors. I’m not daunted by this task because I know I have the support of all my doctors on this adventure.

On April 19th, I see the nutritionist and then in May I start my classes. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do this because I had to come up with $175 dollars, but my brother and his wife gave me the money so that I can do this. I have the support of all my family and my friends. That feels wonderful.

Also, in March I saw the psychologist for the evaluation for the surgery. It only took an hour, which surprised me because on the paperwork it says it takes two hours. I like the psychologist. I told her my plan. She liked it. I didn’t come to this decision lightly. I researched, read a great book on it. Talk to several individuals who have had it done. Wrote about it for Wellness Works NW. Prayed about it. Considered my other options. Tried numerous eating plans through my nutritionist that my primary doctor sent me to. I failed. I also know that this is going to change my life in huge ways and I am going to need to adjust my physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional self. I made the choice to get back into counseling while I am pursuing this adventure. Once all the medical appointments slow down I will be making that call. It’s a huge step for me.

I have prepared for this. I checked out of the library a great recipe book for those who have bariatric surgery. I also joined Bariatric Pals. I learned about vitamins that are specific for bariatric patients. I got rid of my big plates and now have small plates to eat from. The best part is I traded my pink balance ball that I was too fat for a grey one from my sister and then since that didn’t work I traded with my friends for a balance ball that does take my weight. Blessings have abounded since I have made this decision.

I am fearful, but I am doing this anyway. I know I am a high risk patient. I also know that losing this weight will make life a lot better.

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