Recently I was given an opportunity to read an e-book called Ketogenic Diet Cookbook for Beginners: 30 More Easy Food recipes for Healthy Weight Loss by Erin Chartton. You can check out this E-book on Amazon here.


Because of my pursuit of weight loss surgery I started reading Keto books because they best represented the eating plan that I was given by the nutritionist. I was thankful for the cookbooks that have different types of recipes to help someone like me pursue her goals. In Erin Charetton’s book I got 30 recipes, they all look delicious and easy to make. The best part was I got to interview and learn what made her choose to eat this way. I have discovered that everyone chooses to eat this way for different reasons. I choose because I want to live well with my subglottic stenosis, RA, Wegener’s, and Diabetes. This eating plan seems to fit all the criteria that I need.

A side note, if you want to learn about Keto supplements feel free to contact Karen Clemenson, my fabulous boss and friend and ask her for more details. I also hope to in the future interview someone about the supplements. If you would like to me to ask a question to our expert feel free to send me an email or write a message on the Facebook page.


Here is Erin:

 What made you choose to do the keto eating plan?

I decided that eating carbs doesn’t feel well to my gut. I decided to try a few recipes. I feel healthier when eating natural and unprocessed foods.

 How important is meal prep in regards to eating keto?

It can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it. It’s important to have a plan of what you’re going to eat if you expect to stick to a diet. Failing to plan is planning to fail, as the saying goes. I suggest to at least have a general weekly plan so that you know what to shop for throughout the week. It’s easier to avoid unhealthy foods when you have a shopping list on hand and a plan. That way, you’ll be going forward with a purpose.

 How do you keep it from being boring?

You can find new recipes to try. My ebook, Ketogenic Diet Cookbook for Beginners: 30 More Easy Food Recipes for Healthy Weight Loss is a good place to start. There are lots of books and videos to watch about recipes. I think once you develop a habit, you will just eat the right food on autopilot and you might not think of it as boring, just routine. I grew up eating ‘boring’ foods, but they have kept me healthy. Also, finding favorite recipes or flavors will keep you from getting bored. I like to eat an egg with an avocado for breakfast sometimes.

Can you describe what the ketosis state is and how you sustain it?

Ketosis is something the body does naturally when it doesn’t have enough carbohydrates from food to burn so it burns fat. The liver produces ketones when oxidation occurs, and there isn’t enough fuel from carbs. You can sustain it by eating a keto or low carb diet consistently. Fasting can also cause ketosis.

What is the percentage of fat, protein, and carbs you use?

I don’t follow the diet strictly. The ketogenic diet requires that meals contain about 5% carbs, 30% protein, and 65% fat. There are various websites and app which allow people to calculate what the daily intake of these macros should be, depending on your height and weight.

 How sustainable is the keto diet?  

I think this depends on the individual whether this is something that’s suitable. It’s a good idea to also talk to your doctor. It is best not to yo-yo diet as this poses many health risks. I think finding a meal plan that feels right to you that you can sustain for years is the best alternative. This is why I focus more on choosing foods that are right for me and creating a lifelong habit rather than trying different diets. Pay attention to what triggers your body and see how you feel when you eat certain foods. Eating balanced meals full of nutrients and vitamins is important. Some people with certain conditions such as seizures do benefit from a high-fat, low-carb diet but the long term effects of this diet on this condition are still being studied.


Do you drink alcohol while and if so, how do you stay in ketosis?

I don’t drink. When there is alcohol in the body, it has a much harder time maintaining ketosis. Alcohol tolerance decreases by a lot when one is on a ketogenic diet. It’s best not to drink at all for those on a keto diet.

Have you tried any keto supplements to help you achieve ketosis?

I haven’t tried them because I don’t follow this diet strictly.


 if you haven’t, why not and what do you think of them?

Supplements are important because they help individual adjust to the diet with no side effects. They are important because they help provide nutrients to the body which the keto diet might neglect. Supplements also help with maintenance of good energy levels.

 Do you know anything about keto diet and juicing?

 How beneficial is the keto diet to chronic illness such as diabetes?

The keto diet does help to temporarily improve the blood sugar levels of patients with type two diabetes. It also may be beneficial to people with autism, Parkinson’s disease, MS, and Alzheimer’s, but more there isn’t enough research that shows that the keto diet can cure these conditions. It may improve them.

 What are some of the health benefits of the keto eating plan?  

The keto diet has been used in medicine for over a hundred years, long before this diet went mainstream. At one point, this diet was used to treat epilepsy. I’m not a doctor, so please ask your doctor for medical advice.

This diet may improve memory and cognition. This diet also may improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It also helps decrease inflammation which improves health on many levels including the ease of chronic pain and skin conditions. I used to have acne, but it went away when I started eating non-processed foods and drinking more water. I also decreased the levels of anxiety I used to have which resulted in a healthier gut, and this cured the acne. You may also feel like you have more energy when following a keto diet. It also improves digestion on many levels. Athletes may benefit from this diet as it help promote muscle strength.


If you would like to purchase the E-book:


Ketogenic Diet Cookbook for Beginners: 30 More Easy Food recipes for Healthy Weight Loss

If you want to learn more about Keto and try the Keto supplements by Pruvit you can contact Karen Clemenson at Wellness Works NW.

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