I was 13 years old when I found out I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). The moment I started my period I had problems, blood clots, having a period for six months or longer, which is the worse thing ever. I never had symptoms of cramps or mood swings that healthy women had that told them they were about to start. I just started and it would sometimes happen at school. I have been embarrassed by this many times.  It sucked.

Because of the PCOS I had painful procedures done, such as a DNC, birth control pills to help regulate me. Finally, these things stopped working. Why am I writing about this? It’s simple, I am going back to the beginning. Since January I have been in a lament stage and it is time to move forward.

Because I have PCOS, losing weight is challenging, and I want to do something different to help my body. I found a book at the library called Healing PCOS by Amy Medling from PCOS Diva. I found this book helpful, full of great information, recipes, even essential oils to help. She takes a whole body approach, not just physical body, but also the mental and emotional aspects. I like that.

Since I got home from my last dilation surgery on May 8th I have been considering going back to the anti-inflammation diet and it turns out this is a right decision. Because Medling recommends the anti-inflammation diet for those of us with PCOS. I love it.

I will be purchasing this book for my library so I can go back to it as I keep moving forward. If you suffer from PCOS, I recommend getting this book.  

If you would like to purchase your own copy:

Find Healing PCOS on Amazon

Amy Medling

Other websites that give great information about PCOS:

PCOS Challenge

National Women’s Health

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