I got a new fancy cup for tea or coffee so I have been enjoying hot chocolate and teas in it. Recently, in the December Therabox subscription box I received a big bag of loose-leaf tea by Tas Tea Heaven called Beauty. Tas Tea Heaven is a company from Greece and the owner has all kinds of wonderful teas available. When I first saw it I was not exactly sure what it was. I never thought of beauty as a tea name before. At first, I thought it might be one of those teas for the bath, where you put the leaf mixture in the tub and soak in it. Nope! It is made to drink.

Here is the nutritional information:

Calories 27

Fat: 0

Saturated fat: 0

Trans fat: 0

Cholesterol: 0

Sodium: 0

Carbohydrates: 5 grams

Dietary fiber: 3 grams

Sugar: 3 grams

Protein: 0



Organic sage

Organic chamomile

Organic rosemary

Organic rosehip

Peppermint leaf

Nettle leaf

Hibiscus flower



I made a cup of this tea on Saturday morning and drank it while I was writing. I had to add a bit of stevia to it because it was bitter. This may be because nettle is a bit bitter and even though it says it has sugar in it. It was not enough. I did not add much stevia just a bit. This combination of tea is good. It was easy to drink after I added stevia to it. This is an herbal tea and there is no caffeine so if you are looking for a tea with caffeine this is not for you. If you are looking for an herbal tea to help you relax then this is the one for you. The package says it helps with healing of the skin. I am not sure if this is true. I have not noticed anything on my skin, but I do know that all these herbs are good for you and help with a lot of things besides the skin. The only new ingredient is Jasmine. I have never drank anything with Jasmine in it. Jasmine is one of my favorite flower smells and I have Jasmine essential oil that I use as a perfume. You can see in the picture that this is a chunky tea and you can see all the leaves and flowers in it. The blend is pretty to look at. It steeps well too.


I know many people are looking for alternatives to drink besides soda and juice and water. I think this tea is a great choice to add to your water intake for the day. I can tell this would make a great light ice tea to drink in the summer time.


If you would like to purchase your own:


Tastea HeavenĀ 

Beauty Blend




I received this in the Thera box Subscription box I was gifted. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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