The first book I finished for 2021 is a memoir by Katherine and Jay Wolf. I got this book from the library because the title intrigued me. Suffering strong, what a thought!

Below is a quote that struck me while reading this book:

“Life with disabilities has been the most profoundly challenging and transformational experience of my life. It has given me a new perspective. It has invited me to lean into a different way of seeing God and living in the world. It has offered me a life of flourishing, not just in spite of my constraints, but because of them.” Katherine Wolf.

I am struck by the strength, courage, and determination of Katherine to live well despite her disability. That her husband is encouraging and supportive. From what I have seen that is not a common thing. You can feel the love and devotion they have towards each other. I love this. It shows that you can have painful moments in your life but you do not have to allow it to destroy you and make you bitter. I aim to me intentional in not allowing those painful moments to make me bitter and destroy me

I believe this book would be a good read for anyone who is disabled or is suffer from an illness that has left you feeling like a victim and that you are not flourishing in your new normal.

If you would like to purchase your own copy:

Suffer Strong

Katherine and Jay Wolf


I checked this book out at the library. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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