I have been working on my skin care the last few months. I have been trying out face masks and other skin care products. It has been fun and a bit overwhelming with all the products out there that I have received. One product that I received was Fruida Skin Relief Repair Irritated Skin Avocado Face Mask. I found this mask interesting. This was my first sheet mask. It was too big for my face and I looked like I was losing my skin from a burn accident. It was not pretty. One thing I have learned about using the different types of masks is that although it is a nasty process, I do like how it makes my face feel.

I received 5 masks for $15 dollars, and I think that is a fair price.

If you would like to purchase your own:


Avocado Face Mask



I received this from Fab Fit Fun Subscription Box. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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