Since October 2020 I have been on a skin care routine. I have noticed a difference in my face and body. My cheeks are rosier, my skin is softer, and I look younger. I like it. In the December Bella Skin Care box I received a UpCircle Face Moisturizer that was made from discarded argan shells that they use to make argan oil.

While I am jade rolling my face, I put a dab on the palm of my hand and put a few drops of a facial oil and mix it in. It feels good going on my face. My skin loves that this product is vegan with no toxic chemicals in it that messes with my microbiome. I am using a lot of vegan and cruelty free skin care products because my skin loves it and it does not harm or make my body flare up with my autoimmune diseases.

I decided that I wanted to take care of my skin, because it is the biggest organ in my body, and it needs to be taken care of. I am loving all the things I am discovering and all the new products I have found that help my body feel good.

If you are interest in this product here is where you can get it:

Face Moisturizer



I received this product in a Bella Skin Care subscription box that I paid for. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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