I received this moisturizer in my Facetory subscription bag. I was confused at first to what it was, because the only cactus I have ever used on my body is Aloe Vera. This is not aloe vera. It is a different cactus, and I cannot find the name of it. I do not read Korean. However, I can tell you that it moisturized my face nicely. I mixed it with my mineral sunscreen and put it on my face in the morning and at nighttime. The gel felt cooling and wonderful on my skin. I was sad to see it was empty, but I have enjoyed using it the last couple of months.

Moisturizing my face and using my jade roller everyday has made my skin feel soft, hydrated, and supple. I do not know why it took me so long to start a skin care routine. I am enjoying the process of discovering new products and this Yadah Cactus Moisturizer is one of the products I will purchase again.

If you would like to purchase your own:

Yadah Cactus Gel Soothing Moisturizer


The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced. I received this product in a subscription box.

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