I have always been interested in learning about alternative health practices especially when it came to herbal remedies, so when I saw on one of my favorite YouTube Channels unboxing of Apothecary At Home, I knew that I needed to invest in this box and therefore my own healing journey. I will share the video that I saw below.

For the month of June we worked with herbs for Musculoskeletal issues. The Musculoskeletal system includes your muscles, tendons, soft tissues, ligaments, and bones. They work together to help your body move and to support your bodies weight. There are a lot of things that can happen with this system, injuries, arthritis, and illnesses can damage it. This causes a lot of pain. I received three herbs to help with pain. They are Comfrey, Chickweed, and Plantain. We also received jars for emulsions, a tin for a balm, a cheese cloth, bees wax and stickers for labeling and a great booklet of information. I loved everything in my box. I must be honest. I have not found the time to work with these herbs. I am looking forward to making my own oil for the pain balm I make using trauma oil. I interested to see if I can combine these two oils and see how it will help with pain. I am hoping in July I can make this oil and work with the herbs in the July box. In the booklet they have a great recipe for oil using all three of these herbs. I am excited to make it. If you are on my Instagram or are my Facebook friend I will make sure to post pictures.

Here is some information I found on each of the herbs:

Comfrey: The scientific name: Symphytum Officinale. Other names for Comfrey are: ass ear, black root, Blackwort, Boneset, Consound, Bruisewort, Gum Plant, Knitback, Healing Herb, Knit bone, Slippery root, Salsify, Wallwort, Boneset, and Consolida. It has been used as a healing herb since 400 B.C. Uses in healing are:

  • Healing of wounds
  • Heals sprains, bruises, and promotes healing of bones.
  • Used as a gargle to heal gum disease and other mouth issues.
  • Used to treat gout and arthritis.
  • Used in ointments to heal ligaments, joints, pulled muscles, bruises, strains, and fractures.
  • IT is used for stomach problems

Cautions: Should not be used by pregnant women. People with liver issues should not use.



Stellaria media (Linn.) Villars is the scientific name for this herb. It is also called: Star weed, Satin Flower, mouse or ear flower. This is from the carnation flower family. This plant contains many plant compounds that help the body heal. These compounds are: phytosterols, tocopherols, triterpene saponin, and vitamin c. A tea made from chickweed may help with phlegm. It may also help with inflammation when applied to swollen areas or bones. It may also promote wound healing. If you consume too much chickweed you can get an upset stomach, induce vomiting, or become nauseated. You may also get a rash if you are allergic to chickweed. It is important to be mindful and talk to your medical professional when using it.


Plantain: Scientific name: Plantago Major. Other names for this plant are: Rat’s Tail, Traveler’s Foot, Waybread, Cuckoo’s Bread, Cart Truck Plant, White Man’s Foot, Broadleaf Plantain, Buckthorn, Ripple grass, Ripple Seed, Englishman’s Foot, Weybroed, Wagbread, Door Yard. It may help with reducing mucus in the respiratory system. It may heal cuts. It mays help with constipation. It may help with acne and boils, it may help with insect bites, it may help with burns, and it may help with psoriasis. It could also help with hemorrhoids. As with all herbs and plants when you use them consult a doctor or be mindful. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use this herb. High dosages can make the blood pressure fall or cause diaherra. Do not use if you are having issues with abdominal issues. If you are prone to blood clots do not use.


This is for all plants listed here. I am not a medical professional and this is for informational purposes only. If you want more information do your own research or seek help from a medical professional.


This is a subscription box that I pay for. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced. The box I get is called Apothecary at home.

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