Wow, the week sure flew by, didn’t it? Right now, I am sitting on my bed with my Unhide fuzzy blanket while listening to Joyce Meyer’s podcast.

I am still struggling with breathing. My oxygen levels are low when I am not on oxygen. When I take it off to go to the bathroom or the kitchen it is between 85 and 88. This week when I changed the hosing, I made it longer so that I can have it at the end of the bed so I can grab it and sit in my wheelchair and not always on my bed for a bit. I also had my caregiver move my nebulizer for Albuterol closer so I can have the hose with the trach mask around my neck, so I am not deprived of oxygen. When your oxygen is low in your blood it is called Hypoxemia. Hypoxemia can cause brain damage, tissue and organ damage, and heart damage including raising your blood pressure. I am taking the necessary steps to help me with this, including contacting my doctor.

I saw my pulmonologist through Zoom this morning. She increased my albuterol at my request because it helps me. And because insurance requires that I do a walking test to get a portable oxygen machine she worked with me to set it up Monday morning after my ENT appointment on Monday morning. My ENT is just one building from The Vancouver Clinic so that should be easy to get to. Thank goodness I will have my caregiver with me.  That mean going to my appointment without my oxygen and being low. I know that the “walk” will not be a walk because just sitting without oxygen right now it is low. I must do whatever is necessary because of the requirements of the insurance company. If you think about it keep me in your prayers that I do not cause any damage to my body because of lack of oxygen.

I am taking this opportunity to evaluate my wellness plan and changing a few things. Recently, I purchased a 6-inch three ring binder, a ruler, a huge stack of notebook paper and dividers for the binder to create my own wellness planner for myself so that I can track all the things I must track for my wellness. These are the things I must track: blood pressure, blood sugar, oxygen levels, my Harentza injections, medications I take. I will be adding to this list, water consumption, food, meditation, exercise, spiritual/God, hygiene, medical appointments, writing for Jamie Chases Butterflies, Wellness Works NW, and reading.

Until next week, remember to keep breathing. Gentle Hugs and hellos.

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