I am having a hard time fathoming that this is the last month of the year. That in a few short weeks will be the end of 2021. It is time for me to review my year. I chose the word Intentional. I chose the word intentional because my heart hurt after all the election gunk of 2020. Because of the chaos of the election and watching people being cruel and mean to each other personally and on-line I wanted to be mindful in how I was connecting with others. I focused on the scripture of Galatians 5:22-23 the fruits of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and goodness. Each month I took one of the fruits of the spirit and focused on it for the month. I will do this again in 2022.

Here is what I wanted to accomplish, and I believe I did:

  • Read through the Bible with Bobby Ann, Summer, Sarah, Rob, and Timothy and Sarah L. I read through the Bible, but I think I lost my tribe along the way. It is okay. I just wanted a chance to connect with these people. My brother Rob has a ton on his plate, including moving and helping with the care taking of our mother and now his in laws. Summer and Sarah my sister/friends have health challenges and I knew that this would be a challenge for them. I never force anything on anyone especially if they are fighting a chronic illness. Bobby Ann and Timothy life happens and they have responsibilities and challenges of their own. However, I accomplished my goal. I read through the Bible and learned and gained a lot of wisdom and peace from reading it. I will be doing this again in 2022.
  • Meditate/pray: I pray daily. Meditation on the other hand, well, I was not consistent with this goal. I will work on it for 2022.
  • Change my communication style on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, and in person to peaceful and life speaking instead of negative and soul draining. I have accomplished this. I will always be focusing on relationship building when I communicate, even when I am listening. My first question I ask myself now is what I am about to say going to build our relationship or put a drift in it. If it is negative, does it need to be said or am I doing this just so that I am being heard or feel validated. I have had to communicate about negative things to my medical team and even to a couple of friends and family members and I chose to sit on it and be in a place of peace in my mind before I begin the process of writing my message or reaching out to communicate what I needed to say. This has helped me a lot. Slowing down and not being reactive is helping me build relationships with others and with myself. I will always work on this.
  • Write my mom monthly: I have accomplished this, even though the last few months my mom has not gotten her cards/letters because of the mail system. One time it took her two months to get my card. The mail system is wonky right now.
  • Organizing my home, purging things I do not need. I am accomplishing this. This is one goal I will always work on. I got a new bed this year, which is helping my back and body heal and stay strong. I got some containers to store and organize my medical supplies and personal items. I gave away a lot of things I cannot use or won’t be using. My home is less cluttery.
  • Try new recipes: I have accomplished this. My caregiver and I have been watching The Pioneer Woman and several other cooking shows on my smart TV on Discovery Plus. I have also been mindful in what I am putting into my mouth and not gorging on food out of boredom. I have lost weight. I will continue to do this.
  • Lost 20 pounds. I have accomplished this goal. I now have lost a total of 70 pounds, and I have a lot more to lose. I have not gained. That is the biggest accomplishment for me.
  • Being mindful of the food I choose to eat and drink. I have accomplished this somewhat. I am still eating treats, but I am not eating them daily or all the time. Because of my throat issues, I have been focusing on eating smooth soups and yogurt a lot. I will always be working on this one.
  • Use balance ball and equipment I have at home for exercise/movement: I failed. My health circumstances have changed. My breathing. I am now connecting to oxygen 24 seven and before I got my oxygen at home my levels were going as low as 79 when I would get up and move around so movement did not happen. I even had a physical therapist coming out and I couldn’t even do it. She did tell me that when I am ready to try again with my oxygen they can come back out. I will be taking them up on this when I am more settles and use to being on my oxygen.
  • Promote Wellness Works NW and write articles: I failed. 2022 this goal is changing.
  • Write posts for Jamie Chases Butterflies: I accomplished this goal. I have read a ton of books and wrote book reviews and even started a new post called Empties of products that I have used that I am loving or hating.
  • Practice my photography, learn new skills with lighting for better pictures. Somewhat accomplished this. I bought some lights for my camera. I just have not sat down to learn and practice with my picture taking yet. I will, it is on my agenda. 2022 is a new opportunity.
  • Practice alternative healing with crystals, oils, meditations, food, acupuncture, etc. Accomplished and still practicing. I started in the middle of this year doing chakra healing where I choose a chakra to focus on for the month along with a affirmation. I bought oils blends for each chakra that I diffused during the month too. I found it peaceful and helpful. This is something I will continue to do.
  • Create Balms, blends with my essential oils. I somewhat accomplished this. I purchased in May this year a apothecary class for an entire year where they send me three herbs to learn and work with during the month. I love it. I just have not done the projects yet. That is one of the goals I am going to include in 2022.
  • Have and keep a sleep routine. I accomplished this. I start my sleep routine at 5 PM by putting my pajamas on, doing my nighttime skin care routine, get into bed, watch TV or read a book or watch Youtube channel until around 10 PM and then I go to sleep. I sometimes only sleep for a few hours until I have to pee or have a coughing fit which leaves me to stay awake for an hour or two. I just do not worry about this anymore. I get up at 6:30 in the morning so I can journal and pray and spend time with God before my caregiver comes. This is working for me. We all have to create a sleep routine and wake up routine that works for us.
  • Journal and keep a planner. I accomplished this. At the encouragement of a dear friend I started adding stickers and tape in things in my journals that are mementos in them to create memories. I got a planner, but I am not thrilled with it. This year I was gifted two planners. I need at least three planner for my life. For separate things. One for my health, one for doctor appointments and other appointments and then one for my spiritual stuff. Things I am learning about myself.


This year has been chaotic and challenging with new health issues. I had my latest surgery on November 19th and it did not help my breathing because it looks like my stenosis from Wegener’s has gone into my lungs. Upon my neck CT scan, they discover that I have stenosis in my spine too. So, I am starting 2022 with new challenges to face and I always picked my word for the year. I am choosing to continue to stand up and fight and live my life as well as I can. I must change some things and adjust my life. I will write more on this in my post of my focus word for 2022.

Happy New Year!

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