Marriage relationship is a complicated mesh pod of emotions, plans, interconnecting, and reestablishing boundaries and learn behavior and learning to become one in a cohesive and loving way. In Fantasia and Kendall Taylor’s new book No Crowns in the Castle you go on this journey in their own marriage. You hear from both sides. I have never heard of this couple before. Reading theirs weirds and advice I have a newfound respect for them. It is apparent that relationship is more important to them than anything else. That sits with me and my core beliefs. Relationship is more important than anything else. If reading books about marriage relationship is something of interest to you then this is a good one to add to your to be read pile.

If you would like to purchase your own copy:

No Crowns in the Castle

Fantasia and Kendall Taylor

Worthy Publishing


I was given a copy from Worthy Publishing. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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