I do not watch the Bachelor or The Bachelorette. It is not my cup of tea. Dating 100 women or men just to find that perfect one to marry seems ridiculous to me. I do understand the power to find your love and commitment. I never heard of Matt James, but I do like what he had to say in his book “First Impressions”. I can tell that he is a kind man and he has values and qualities that would make him a great catch for someone. I hope he finds that special someone someday.
I read this book while I was undergoing my Rituximab Chemo treatment for my GPA. I spent from 7:30 in the morning until 5:30 PM there and I read the entire time. I decided to not bring any computer devices with me and just read an old fashion book. I took a break to eat lunch and snooze. It felt good to get lost in a memoir.
I liked how James focused on resilience and healthy boundaries in relationships and communication. Those are all good things. He had some great insights and a strength that I respect.
If you would like to purchase your own copy:

First Impressions
Matt James
Worthy Publishing

I was given a copy from Worthy Publishing. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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