If you read my blog and see the kinds of books I read, you’ll notice a read a lot of FBI, CIA, Espionage types of books. The latest ones I just finished is “Critical Alliance” by Elizabeth Goddard. I have read several of her books previously and love them, this one was no different.
This centered around someone hacking into people GPS, and their cars and controlling them while they were driving around, but instead it was a company they were running and the person who owned the company sister happens to be in cyber security. I hope there is such a thing in real life, because some of the things happening had me anxious and wondering about what if.
I enjoyed this story a lot, great action, great characters, and made me think about a lot of things about my safety and my own family dynamics. I recommend this book to anyone who loves these types of stories like I do.
If you would like to purchase your own copy:

Critical Alliance
Elizabeth Goddard
Revell Publishing

I was given a copy from Revell Publishing. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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