Hallee Bridgemqn new book “Honor’s Refuge” talks about domestic violence and different abuses that happen in relationships. The prologue alone broke my heart as I read about two little girls watch their father kill their mother. This is a tough story, but it is necessary because this happens in real life and we as a people, Jesus loving people need to realize and have compassion for those who deal with this. Both men and women go through domestic violence, and after times it ends in death and leaves behind children who are traumatize and end up in the foster care system or other family members homes to be raised. This story deal with deal sisters who go on different paths. Although, this was a challenge emotionally for me to read I still think the author did an excellent job. She is a good writer and tells a story well.
If you would like to purchase your own copy.

Honor’s Refuge
Hallee Bridgeman
Domestic Violence Help

I was given a copy from Revell. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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