This year has been a constant movement of one disaster after another roaring its ugly head. Finally, it is slowing down. I’m able to take a deep breathe and feel a measure of peace. My focus words this year are peace and healing. My last hell moment in March 2023 with getting sepsis and staying in the hospital and finally figuring out what the darn infection was in my leg. I’m thankful it is now known and it was treated and we are keeping a watch out for it. I do have a good medical team, although I sometimes don’t understand them and they don’t me. We still work together.
I’m getting back to reading and writing my reviews for my blog, so it is time to start writing more personal posts. My friend and caregiver were talking about an old English teacher we had in 8th grade. I won’t share his name, but he was the most hated by me ever and apparently by her too. I loved writing my entire life, but having a teacher criticize you so badly that he destroys that part of you is not a good teacher. Be careful how you criticize someone and in what words you decide to use. You could destroy. That is why in proverbs it tells us that the tongue is the most powerful weapon. I agree full heartedly. I’m choosing to let go of that voice of that one teacher who is dead and gone go so that I can continue to write and practice it. I will be the first to admit that I am not the greatest written in the world and that my grammar is stellar or spelling, but I try. I am willing to learn.
I have also been doing research of looking for foods that I can eat without it getting stuck in the middle of my throat. So I have been watching a lot of my favorite chefs like Giada, Rachael Ray, Ina Garten. I love these women and how they cook. On Youtube I have been watch Southern Frugal Momma and Natasha’s Kitchen. Souther Frugal Momma brings back to my childhood like eating cornbread and beans and other Southern fair I have not had since my birth mom died when I was thirteen. For example, Tamale pie and beans and fried potatoes. I can’t have them all the time, but it is comfort food for me. This week I made Italian soup in my crock-pot to feed me this week. It is good. I have been also getting back to my skin care and body care routine that I lost when I was so weak I could not do it. And I am taking better care of my boy. Nicholas has been more affection than he has been recently because he knew I was weak and I was pissing him off because of it. So he has not been wanting to show me affection. He has been recently. This makes my heart soar. I needed this. I have been getting up and organizing my kitchen and setting it up in the manner that I need it to be so I can work in it. I took all my herbs and spices out of cabinet I had it in and set it up on the top of a black book shelf that I have. It has been making my life a lot easier. I’m eating more and I am tracking it in my baritastic food app so that I can keep trach of my macros. I need to keep them at a certain point for promoting healing. Not just protein, but carbs and fats too. It is a balance type of thing. Today when I see my primary and I get occupational and physical therapy set up I can go further in my healing jounrey. I’m still moving forward. Let’s all do that.

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