I just finished a great book by Kevin Gerard that caused me to pause and think about things. The beginning of Naked and Unafraid Gerard shares the story of David where he dances uninhabited and his wife Michal takes issues with me because he allowed himself to be vulnerable. If I am truthful, I have a hard time being vulnerable. It feels icky to me. It feels like I am allowing myself to be abused. I know that this is Satan blocking my progress in my life. I am a work in progress when it comes to being vulnerable. That being said, I am appreciative of a couple of chapters in Naked and Unafraid chapters 5, 13, 15, and 16 spoke the loudest to me. I am not going to spoil it for you, I want you my dear reader to get the book and read and see what I mean by this yourself. 

Gerard’s writing style is simple, direct, and has a lot of great descriptive words to help the readers understand and comprehend what he is conveying in his writing. I personally believe that my fellow chronic illness warriors will benefit from reading this book because we live in fear a lot when it comes to our illnesses. Although this book does not talk about illness, there are several things in it that talk about relationships and being vulnerable in our relationships. I believe this will aid us with developing our marriages, friendships, and community relationships. 

If you would like to purchase your own copy:

Naked and Unafraid

Kevin Gerard

I was given a copy from Faith Words. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced. 

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