I sat through my third infusion. I sat in a small room with a big TV on the wall, in a recliner chair while Rituximab pumped into my veins. I was there for 9 hours. I made a choice to bring books and notebooks with me instead of my laptop and Kindle. I just had my cellphone so I can call and do Instagram and message with people while there. I wanted to have a time of quiet and reflection while getting my infusion. I finished two books. I also reflected on what I wanted my goals for June to be. I am having a hard time considering what those goals should be. Currently, I am fighting for my lungs. Lungs are a representation of self-love according to the Reiki and Chakra healing. While journaling I realize that this is true and that is the reason that this time my lungs are being attacked. I have not been giving myself the same love and respect that I have been giving to others in my life. When my trachea and voice box was being attacked I realized that it was because I was not using my voice. I learned to use my voice and speak up and be open with my communication. Still learning. I am always learning. Life is about learning and one of those things I am learning is how to be flexible with myself and accept and love who I am. Warts and all. While choosing my goals this month I am making the choice to go back to the basics along.
Here are my goals:
* Rituximab infusion: I have one more to get through. Yeah! Then I get a six month break and won’t have another four rounds until December.
* HIrentza infusion: I have four of these to get through. Thankfully I do these at home.
* Write one article for Wellness Works NW: Yes, we are back to writing mode for Wellness Works NW. Check out our website and our Facebook page.
* Read and review 3 books: It will probably be more. I want to at least have three reviews posted on my blog this month.
* Practice meditation and breathing: I found some great breathing and meditation to listen to and practice on my Spotify including a Christian one called Abide. I like it.
* Track my food again: I got off kilter with this new regiment in my life and Prednisone brain.
* Get back to my skin care routine: My skin, especially around my feet are horrendous and with Prednisone it affects the skin. I must take better care of my skin.
* Get my lung balloon dilation surgery: I need this.
* Make an eye doctor appointment
These are my goals this month. I hope you are all as well as possible this month and successful complete whatever your goals are.

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