Happy Independence! With the way things have been going on with the Supreme Court ruling and other things it is hard to remember the good things about being an U.S. Citizen. I am choosing to remember the good things, while at the same time fighting for my rights as a woman and for children who cannot defend themselves. I am not pro birth, I believe a woman has the right to chose. And sometimes those choices are hard and must be made no matter the opinions and beliefs of others. I would never get an abortion, but I am not going to condemn or take away someone else’s right to have one if they choose to. Enough said on this subject for me.
I have been struggling for the last few months learning to accept and live with my new circumstances and what my next ten years will look like. Looking towards the future and planning for the future is not my strong suite. I am a live now or in the past kind of gal. However, reading the self-help books that I do they always have one thing in common that is sharing that every habit, every choice helps you in meeting your goals for the future. That has made me think about my future and what I want to accomplish. I realize that all of my goals have been about my illness oriented and not my whole person. So this month I am intentionally choosing some goals that have nothing to do with my physical health.
Here are my goals for July:
* Hirentza Infusions: As usually I have four of these to get done this month. This is going to be a life long goal that I have to accomplish.
* Log my food: I have stopped doing this when I started Prednisone and the overwhelming side effects started. They are waning now, so I can now start including the habits I started establishing. Logging my food choices helps me stay mindful of what I am eating.
* Repot my plants: My plants are in need of tome TLC. It is time to aerate them and repot them and speak life into them.
* Clean up and organize my plant area in my apartment: I have my moms wrought iron plant stand and some of her plants. It is time to organize and set them up better.
* Make pain balm: one of my sisters has asked for more of the pain balm I make, so I am going to make another batch of them.
* Read four books this month: Reading is something I enjoy doing and I have a big to read pile.
* Write four book reviews for Jamie Chases Butterflies
*Write one article for Jamie Chases and one article for Wellness Works
*Skin care: sheet mask, and lotion on my face. One of the side effects of predinisone is thinning of the skin and hardening of the skin. I want to prevent this. So skin care is vital right now.
*Write my doctor a note about getting occupational therapy: I need some help in achieving some thing in my apartment. I need to ask for help.
*Write some snail mail out to people: I did not do that in June.
*Go outside and take pictures: I miss my fancy camera and taking pictures of nature. It is time, everything is green and lush right now. I miss nature.

These are my goals for July. What about you?

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